Centring Ideas from the Margins
Because innovation happens at the edges
Marginal. exists to energise and amplify ideas that bring greater soul and sustainability to our home planet.
We fund and fuel disruptive ideas from purpose-led entrepreneurs and creatives whose positive impact would be inhibited by traditional funding models and support structures. We love and appreciate the value that comes from marginal thinkers disinterest in "fitting in" with the status quo. Marginal. actively co-creates structures that help ideas at the margin to thrive.

Do you think at the margins?
Marginal. (edge, brink, border, margin) people see the world differently, perceive what others do not and continually expand the edge of their own consciousness.
Marginality, when supported and unleashed can create a better reality for all.

Does your idea need fuel?
from Old French fouaille, based on Latin focus ‘hearth’ (in late Latin ‘fire’)
We Liberate Potential with Creative Funding Models
Bureaucracy-laden government funding tied to specific (status quo) government targets, conditional corporate giving and charity all have their roots in old-world paradigms.
The outcome of old-world support is that potentials are stifled rather than liberated. Funding is directed to people willing to comply with the centre rather than live on the edge - where innovation and creativity happens.
Marginal has a commitment to co-generating new, transformative funding models.

Marginal. is a movement
Bringing together humans who are inspired to invest in and co-create a better future.
We work alongside high-calibre founders, entrepreneurs and creatives to bring their ideas to life
Our filtering process ensures that we work with people and ideas that make the world a more soul-full and sustainable place. We filter for the tangibles (financial sustainability, eco-impact) and intangibles (vibe, alignment, connection). We work with people living from their unique essence, marginal (edge) thinkers whose positive energy flows through every area of their lives and work.
Our focus in working with you is to amplify your positive energy and impact.
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